Student Wellbeing
We believe that your physical and emotional wellbeing is just as important as your academic success.
Our Counselling Service and Health Clinic are free, confidential, and available for all students during school hours. Counselling sessions are 30 minutes long, and Health Clinic visits are 10 minutes.
Students have a legal right to confidentiality, unless there is an imminent risk to the student’s or another person’s safety.
What can you talk to a counsellor about?
- Difficulties with friends, family or staff
- Feeling stressed
- Finding it hard to concentrate
- Worried about your learning or NCEA
- Studying and organising your time
- Low mood or lack of motivation
- Abusive or violent relationships
- Grief or loss
- Drugs or alcohol
- Sexuality and gender issues
- Planning for your future
- Someone else with a problem that is affecting you
- Anything else that is worrying you
How will talking help?
The practice of speaking about your experience is a powerful tool in helping you make sense of what you feel. Holding things inside can increase feelings of isolation, shame or blame. Having your experiences heard and understood by someone can help you feel less alone. Sometimes, it is a relief to feel that what you are experiencing may be similar to others.
No problem is too big or small to ask for help. Any of your concerns are important if what is worrying you is stopping you learning or enjoying life.
What can I get help at the Health Clinic with?
- First Aid
- Feeling unwell
- Sports injuries
- Exercise and healthy eating plans
- Vision and hearing
- Relationship advice
- Skin problems
- Sleeping
- Period concerns
- Sexual health
- Drugs, alcohol or smoking/vaping
- Overuse of screen time
- Asthma
- Mental health
- Head lice
- Diabetes