
Covid Update 2024


Mandates may be over, however Covid has not gone from our community.  At school, we continue to:
  • manage airflow in our learning spaces by keeping doors and windows open
  • support anyone who chooses to wear a mask
To support all of us, if someone else in your family tests positive for Covid, your child is welcome to attend school, however, we recommend that you give your child a R.A.T. each morning before they come to school.
If your child does show Covid-like symptoms, we would like them to be tested for Covid. If they test positive for Covid, we are strongly recommending that they stay at home for five days (day zero begins when they were first symptomatic or tested positive – whichever comes first). Any unwell student should not be at school and we ask Covid-positive students to stay at home to complete their five days of isolation. This supports not only the students in improving their health, but also protects our community in staying healthy. As always, for any students who are unwell and at school, we will isolate these students and ask for their caregivers to pick them up.