Parents & Caregivers

We use SchoolBridge - a user-friendly front end to our schoolwide database.  You can use it to report absences, read parent info, book interviews, submit course selections... the list goes on.  And, you can use it to navigate through to academic results on our Kamar Portal.  All with just one login that is under your control.

It's a regular webpage you can sign into from a desktop computer, or you can pop it on your phone by downloading the app.

Pīwakawaka rere tuku - News

Transport and Bus Routes

Check the school bus timetables and routes, and view our car and bicycle parking guidelines.

Student Wellbeing

Students have access to free counselling and medical appointments at school.  These may also be booked by parents/caregivers.  

Stationery & Finances

View our stationery lists, general account information, and yearbook cost.

Meet The Staff

Meet our Leadership Team, Heads of Faculties and Deans, plus our Head Students.


Learning at KHS

Explore our curriculum, and learn more about NZQA, our careers website, sports, learning support, and arts & cultural opportunities.


General Information

Find all the must-know information, including how attendance works, expectations around mobile phone use, and how to download our School App.

Our Uniform

All you need to know about our school uniform and how to order.


Bring Your Own Device information for purchasing a suitable device. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about the BYOD programme.

Mā Te Aroha Ka Tutuki – Through caring, concern, and support for others, all things are possible.