Stationery & Finances

Stationery Lists

Our stationery lists ensure that KHS students have everything they need for effective learning throughout the year. Parents/Caregivers don’t need to purchase any textbooks; these are provided by KHS free of charge for students to use during the school year.

Our school stationery supplier is OfficeMax; however, parents/caregivers may purchase general school stationery from any retailer of their choice. Student workbooks are available online from Office Max. Please check the listed ISBN number to make sure you purchase the correct workbook.

If you have issues downloading these PDF documents, try on a desktop computer instead of your phone.  All computers and mobile devices have different settings and programmes to view/download PDFs.

Financial Overview

All New Zealand residents between the ages of 5 and 18 years are legally entitled to free enrolment and free education. KHS does not have any compulsory school fees. However, we welcome donations from the community, including parents/caregivers and community-based trusts.

KHS aims to deliver educational courses over and above that which is funded by the Ministry, however parental contribution for the costs of trips and activities where participation is optional, and/or components not covered by the Government grant may be requested, and we appreciate the financial support our families make to the School.

Such donations enhance the educational opportunities the School can provide, contributing to the fulfilment of the strategic goals of student achievement and preparation for life in a positive learning environment.

Donations can be claimed annually as a tax credit using the Inland Revenue Department form IR526.

If you would like to purchase the School Yearbook, we request that this be paid for by 1st September each year. This is to ensure that we know how many to print for end-of-year distribution.

Automatic payments / Internet payments

Automatic payments and internet payments are welcomed (minimum $10.00 per week). If choosing to spread the cost across several instalments, please ensure the amount and frequency of your payment plan is sufficient to clear the total owed before the end of the school year. Please quote your child’s name and student number as a reference to show on the bank statement. Automatic payment forms can be downloaded below.

KHS Automatic Payment Authority

Bank Details / Enquiries

The School’s ASB Bank Account no. is 12-3240-0094759-00. Please quote your child’s name and student number as a reference.

For all Accounts enquiries, please telephone 375 5004 ext 801 or email

Automatic Payment Form