General Information

This is where you’ll find all the day-to-day information you need while your child is learning at KHS. If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 03 375 5004.


Roll checks are a regular part of every period.  If your child is away from school, the school office must be notified. 

If your child is marked as absent and no explanation has been given, we will contact you.

If there is no explanation for a student’s absence, their attendance is recorded as a question mark (? – Unexplained Absence) for a period of 10 days, after which it changes to T (Truant) in our system.  These are Ministry of Education codes as our attendance is a legal record provided to the Ministry of Education.

When letting us know about your child’s absence please be as accurate as possible so we can assign the correct attendance code to match the situation.

Parent Portal
You can view your child’s attendance in real time using our Parent Portal.  

Attendance on reports

Every second friday we send reports to you outlining your student’s previous fortnight at school.  Part of this reporting is to show you your child’s attendance rate.  

Need to talk to us?

We want our students to be engaged and actively involved in school.  If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance please contact their Tutor Teacher and they will organise a time to talk with you.


Our preferred method for whānau to notify us about absences is to use the School App.  Simply click on the ‘Absentee’ icon and choose to either phone the office or email.  

If you email using the App, your details will be remembered for next time, making it a quick and easy process.  If you have more than one child with us, it is easy to change between them.

Download our App – SchoolAppsNZ

Follow this link to download the app – DOWNLOAD APP

It will take you to a page where you enter the school’s name, and it will walk you through it.



Students are expected to look after their own property, as well as that of others.

If a student damages or loses a textbook or school library book, there will be a charge to repair or replace the item.  If a student willfully damages school property or another student’s property, they will be expected to meet the full cost of repair or replacement.

If school property is accidentally damaged, the extent of any charge will depend on the student’s share of the blame for that damage.


Introduction to ‘Phones away for the day’

Schools across Aotearoa have been tasked with ensuring that cell phones are absent during school hours. This is a compliance level requirement for schools, and the initiative stems from international research highlighting challenges associated with cell phones in educational settings, primarily as a significant distraction for students. 

The rules we’ve developed, in consultation with our school community, aim to maximise student learning, while minimising potential distractions and additional workload on staff. To summarise our goal, cellular devices should not be brought to school by students, or if brought, they are to remain switched off throughout the entire school day.

Provisions for exemptions are available for emergency contact or health-related reasons, with the criteria detailed below.

The following outline of our ‘phones away for the day’ procedures is intended to ensure that parents, students, and staff have a unified understanding of the expectations and potential consequences right from the start of the school year.

Expectations and Consequences

Cellular devices are not to be seen during the school day – this means they do not come with the student to school or are in their bags and switched off. This rule is for students of all ages and at all times. It includes the time between classes and during breaks. In this context, the school day is defined as the time from the bell that marks the beginning of period 1 to when students are dismissed from their final class at the end of period 5.

Any use of a cellular device will result in confiscation of the device: 

  1. In the first instance of the phone being seen, the student may pick up the confiscated phone from the office at the end of the day.
  2. In the unlikely event of a second incident, a caregiver/parent will be required to pick it up at their convenience.
  3. A third incident will require a caregiver/parent and student meeting with their dean or deputy principal. 

Note – Until the 1st of March, 2024, we will have an introductory phase of this programme. During this period, if a cellular device is seen or heard, teachers will provide a verbal reminder to put the phone away. This reminder will be recorded by the teacher. Should a second reminder be noted, the phone will be confiscated – as outlined in step (a) above. After March 1st, no verbal reminders will be issued.

If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call the office. Alternatively, they can contact their child via their school email address. Students will also be able to check messages on their devices at the end of the school day. 

Teachers are not permitted to make exemptions for cellphone usage for learning activities.


In some cases, exemptions from the ‘phones away for the day’ rules may be made. Here are the three exemption categories: 

  • Select School Trips: Students may be permitted to take certain digital devices on EOTC activities. Approved use of cell phones during these activities will be clearly communicated ahead of time by the teacher in charge of the activity. 
  • Health and Safety Concerns: In matters related to a student or student’s immediate family’s health and safety concerns, a parent/caregiver can apply to the principal for a period of exemption. This could include situations like medical conditions or protection issues.  Please be aware that, for the safety of our students, emergency communications should continue to be initially directed to school staff. 
  • Accessibility or Learning Needs: Students with additional accessibility or learning needs who use cell phones in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn can apply for an exemption from the principal.

Please contact the school office for an exemption form. A register of students who have an approved exemption will be made available to all school staff. The register will keep the reasons for the exemption confidential and will only detail the level of the exception, e.g. In the case of a student with a critically ill family member, the exemption may state: Jane Doe – permitted to have sound notifications on and receive messages and calls. 

In conclusion

We thank you for your support with this process. Some students will find the transition difficult as we get used to traditional (old) ways of communication.  ‘Phones away for the day’ has the potential to benefit our students greatly, and we look forward to making the most of this transition. 



The library is open every school day from 8.30, and students are welcome to use the library to study during interval and lunchtime. 

Students can reserve library books online and can borrow up to five books for two weeks at a time. If a student hasn’t finished using the book by the due date, they can bring it into the library to be renewed.

The Library also has eight networked computers available for student use, and a large printer/photocopier. Students will be required to sign a cybersafety agreement before using the library computers.

Every student has a log in for the library – please encourage them to use the link below.



The KHS Parent Teachers Association organises a range of fundraisers throughout the year, including our very popular Quiz Night. The PTA has also worked hard to secure some great funding opportunities through local businesses – please support them when you can!

Current Fundraisers

> Shop at Warehouse Stationery
When shopping at Warehouse Stationery, if you mention Kaiapoi High School, then 5% of your purchases will go back to our school. 

> Visit CBK Craft Bar & Kitchen 

When visiting CBK Craft Bar & Kitchen, Kaiapoi High School will earn 10% from every dollar spent (on full-price items). All you have to do is ask the staff at CBK to add your points to Kaiapoi High School’s account.