Student Wellbeing
We believe that your child’s physical and emotional wellbeing is just as important as their academic success.
Students may make their own bookings, or a parent can make a booking for them. If you are making a booking for your child, please be sure they know the date and time.
Kaiapoi High School has a pastoral care team where counsellors, deans, tutor teachers, school nurses, local doctors, careers advisors, the Learning Support team, and youth workers provide a wrap-around service for our students if required. We also have strong links to external agencies for further support.
Our Counselling Service and Health Clinic are free, confidential, and available for all students during school hours. Counselling sessions are 30 minutes long, and Health Clinic visits are 10 minutes.
No problem is too big or small to ask for help. Any of your child’s concerns are important if what is worrying them is stopping them learning or enjoying life. Students have a legal right to confidentiality unless there is an imminent risk to the student’s or another person’s safety.