Congratulations to the following students who have gained sporting success outside of school:
NETBALL – Hannah Toli has been selected to attend the Netball NZ Secondary Schools’ Training Camp in January.
TOUCH – Eva Parry & Kaedin Fettes have been selected for the Canterbury Representative Touch Teams.
KORFBALL – Selected in the MIXX NZ Representative Teams for their age grade:
U19 – Cody Siegenthaler, Will Harrison, James Harrison, Issy Clark, Eva Parry
U17 – Kayla Siegenthaler, Oscar Bai, Albie Gash
If you are achieving in sports outside of school, please let us know as we love to share our students’ success, and it also helps the Sports Office to be able to let individuals know if there is a sporting opportunity within school sport that could be of interest to you. We know not all students check the sports noticeboard, or daily notices, or follow our Kaiapoi High School Sports Facebook page.