Congratulations to our students who have gained sporting success outside of school.

Basketball Referees 

Well done to our Basketball student referees who represented NCBA at the U14 Southern Regional Basketball Tournament and were selected for key finals, which was a great achievement. 

Adam Riley – A Girls Finalist Official

Elijah Sommerfeld – B Boys Grade Finalist Official

Dan Keating – A Boys 3/4th Official

Basketball Regionals 

Congratulations to our students who were part of the North Canterbury U14 teams that competed at the BBNZ Regional Tournament in Ashburton the last week of the holidays. 

Well done – Joshua Clark, Brooklyn Rapana, Dylan Van De Geest, Eddie Dench, Charly Light, Savarna Nutbrown & Coach Hayden Downes


Taylah Tohill – 50KG Cadet NZ Female Champion 

Cord’e Kennelly – Runner up 52KG Junior

Both of these students represented the Canterbury Boxing Team at the NZ Boxing Championships during the school holidays. 

If you are achieving in sports outside of school, please let us know as we love to share our students’ success and it also helps the Sports Office to be able to let individuals know if there is a sporting opportunity within school sport that could be of interest to you. We know not all students check the sports noticeboard, or daily notices, or follow our Kaiapoi High School Sports Facebook page.