Following the newsletter on the 6th of December, our student, Ruby Wilson, departed for her scholarship journey on the 18th of January. Her family and myself, as KHS International Director, farewelled her at the airport. 

On the other side of her flight journey, she was welcomed by Global Education Department Director, Mr Somers, and Assistant Principal, Mr Iwasaki. Ruby will be staying in Japan for another week before returning home, just in time for Term 1. We wish her a wonderful experience while in Japan and look forward to hearing more of her stories when she returns to school.

As the leader of the International Department, I promise every student that we will continue to support our KHS students in exploring different cultures, academics, languages, and more through overseas opportunities.

For any students interested in participating in these fantastic opportunities in the future, please express your interest in becoming part of our international buddy program, and you will be eligible to join in on these amazing adventures!

Yu Bai, International Director