Where to find it and how to log in. We use SchoolBridge as a place to put all the information you need to access...
Pīwakawaka Rere Tuku
News: Announcements
Welcome to 2025
We hope that you got to have a good break over the Christmas period. The school year is about to kick into action, and...
Our New App
We are changing our setup and require you to download a new app. We are also removing an app - so it all balances out!...
Welcome to Whaea Geri
Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te kura tuarua o Kaiapoi. Matua Tama Wairua Tapu me ngā anahera pono me te mangai, ae. Ko...
KHS Portal ~ Oct 24
The portal is changing! From the start of next year you will see some changes that we need to let you know about....